Suisui Wang

Award:Association for Asian Studies-China and Inner Asia Council Small Grant

Amount: $2,000

Award Year: 2019/2020

Program: Gender Studies

Expected Completion: May 2022

If GGC maintained a royalty program, I would probably have hit platinum status now! I have benefited from their workshops, [funding search] appointments, and consultation sessions.

Suisui Wang is a doctoral student of Gender Studies and Anthropology (minor) at Indiana University. Before graduate school, he grew up in a small mountainous town by River Zi in Hunan Province, China and graduated from East China Normal University in Shanghai with a bachelor of law in Sociology. An interdisciplinary ethnographer, he is broadly interested in health humanities, science and technology studies, and transnational feminism, and sexuality studies. His doctoral project tackles the relationship between therapeutic culture and social movement in the U.S. and China. He expects to complete his degree in 2022.  Winning the Association for Asian Studies-China and Inner Asia Council Small Grant. $2000 grant enabled Suisui to conduct pre-dissertation fieldwork which was key to his overall progress and transition to advanced stage.

If GGC maintains a royalty program, I would probably have hit platinum status now! Since my entry to graduate school, I have benefited from their open workshops in learning where to find support, an initial appointment to walk through the internal and external resources available to me, and countless consultation sessions. The staff there are among the most collegial and enthusiastic​ people I have met. They always provide a critical eye; more importantly, they genuinely care about our success. Particularly, after a summer’s overseas research, I visited the center in the new semester, and the staff still remembered the contents of my grant document and asked how my research went. Whenever my colleagues at other institutions agonized and had to seek grant support elsewhere, I feel incredibly lucky to have them.  

About the Award

Association for Asian Studies-China and Inner Asia Council Small Grant

The China and Inner Asia Council of the AAS (CIAC) offers awards of up to $2,000. Dissertation-level graduate students and scholars with special interests in China, Taiwan, or Inner Asia are invited to submit proposals. CIAC Small Grant awards are made possible through funding provided by the Chiang Ching-kuo (CCK) Foundation and from AAS member donations.
